domingo, 14 de enero de 2007

Xela vs. Heredia

Well today was a much better day in Xela. The highlight was going to the Xela-Heredia soccer game. It was quite the experience and I got to sit midfield less than 20 feet from the field. I have never heard so many people chant swear words in unison for so long. My vocabulary was definitely expanded. Guatemalans take their soccer games very very seriously. It was almost as fun watching the crowd as the game. They would try to throw fireworks (the kind that keep burning for a long time) onto the field, and succeeded several times in getting quite close to the players. The would also throw cans on the field. And sweet looking little old ladies turned out to be much more vulgar than any of the men. There were also smoke bombs and actual fireworks. It really amused me that they found it necessary to use riot guards to escort the refs at half time. Why would you attack a ref during half time? Especially when your team is winning 1-0?

As for the game itself. It was very theatrical, anytime anyone came near on defense, they´d fall down on the ground and grab their shins. You do have shin guards people (I saw them, it´s not just an assumption). They also struggled with basic trapping. My favorite is 5, Luis Rodriguez. He´s consistently solid, can trap the ball and doesn´t try to draw fouls for no reason (he also happens to be a full back). We managed to win 2-1 so it was a good night for the ¨Super Chivos¨ or literally Super Goats, how fantastic is that name? And yes, I bought the jersey, I couldn´t help myself. The Guatemalans were excited about the gringa ¨Super Chiva¨ as they called me.

Thanks for all your comments on yesterday´s blog, I appreciate the feedback. I want to do the right thing, but I don´t want to be stupid about it.

1 comentario:

Sam Travaglini dijo...

That's right. You know defenders really are the best ;-)